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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tyler Perry opens up to Oprah about being abused

Tyler Perry on Oprah

Tyler perry appeared on Oprah yesterday and opened up about being sexually and psychically abused as a child. 

Til this day, I don’t know why he did it. But I remember him cornering me in a room and hitting me with this vacuum cleaner cord. He would just not stop. There are all these welts on [me], the flesh that’s coming from my bone, and I had to wait for him to go to sleep,” Tyler says. “When he fell asleep, I ran to my aunt’s house, and she was mortified when she saw it.

Tyler also revealed that he was six the first time his neighbor molested him.  They were building a birdhouse and the man put his hands down his pants. " I'm thinking, what is this?. ' And I felt my body betraying me, because I felt an erection at that age"  Not too long after that Tyler was molested by a male nurse at his church.  The man used the bible against him to justify a lot of the things that were going on.

When Tyler was 10 years old he was molested by his friends mother.  The woman put her son in the bathroom to take a bath and when Tyler was about to leave, she appeared in front of the doorway in lingerie and locked the door.

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